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Just a hint....

Irvine, California

Last day!!!

Took the early bus from Edinburgh to Glasgow and onwards to a airport express bus to the Airport.
Decided to just F*&@ it and go to the airport as I didn't have anything to lose if there was a delay OR cancellations due to the Ash.
Arrived REALLY early as I didn't want a reoccurance to happen a la start of the trip.
Was Overweight (I really don't like air Transit) and I will be sending them a letter shortly.
Paid and was on my way to 5 hours in the airport.

That consisted of updating the blog (from WORD) and sitting at Starbucks and taking in the hustle.
Then I moved over to the correct gate and sat there eating sandwich, almonds and listening to the 6 albums I meekly have on my computer.
(SIDE NOTe: I cleared my computer of everything prior to departure as it was on my TO DO list for 2 years)

Flight was delayed some more, but finally took off.
Again I attracted the eldery world-travelling couple (this time from Ottawa) so I chatted them up and it gave me a better feeling about life and the direction I'm taking. REFRESHING to hear it from others! GO LIFE!

Arrived into Canada after 23 days of travel, countless sights and MANY new tastes that I've acquired (Haggis), great espresso based drinks, english accents, and a love for history.

TORONTO -- can you be a little bit older!?
Kidding. I love you!

Here's a final photo that I thought was the best from the trip!

NEXT ADVENUTURE: ???? keep it locked

Sunday, May 16th, 2010
Early Bfast, TESCO run, andCOSTA hanging out prior to my bus ride down to Edinburgh. YAY!
Visited Edinburgh Castle (NOT WORTH THE ENTRANCE FEE!). Great to see (For Ariel sights....), but really not worth it.

Edinburgh has many hills, stairs… and lugging around the 23kg+ bags was not the best. Had dinner at a pub (Fish and chips).
Saturday, May 15th, 2010
CULLODEN BATTLEFIELD for 11am. WOW WOW WOW. Last battle 1746 between the Jacobites (with the Clans help) against the Government, fought for the last time on the English soil. Such history well worth the 10 quid entrance fee. Prior to the field is a very informative visitor centre that chornicals the history of the war.

That is the RED FLAG indicating the line for the Government troops.

Scottish clans v. Gov't (LAST ROUND)
Winner: Government!

Afterwards Pub food in Inverness (Scottish Cup and the FA cup were both on…) Damn Chelsea.
Then we all parted ways and had a nice little venture of the city sq, the Marks and Spenser and Gift picking up and just repacked luggage. Ended with some walking around the town, got a coffee and explored and just watch BBC1, BBC2 and was tried.
Friday, May 14th, 2010.
Inverness Train station to the Guest house wasn’t too far, but it’s heavy when you’re lost and your don’t pack properly…. Opps!!! Got in, met up with CD and just rested. Room wasn’t ready but we walked around town to take in the fresh air of the highlands.
Destination for today: Castle Stuart and LM vow renewal, wedding event. Breakfast at Costa, walked around the river Ness and got acquinted with the Town.
The occasion was soo beautiful and the weather really cooperated with us. Treated so well at Castle Stuart, J&D, CD, V and I were there to take in the ceremonies with LM. FABULOUS! Yes, I wore a dress too.

Walked around the grounds, took million of photos and then we called it in, as it was getting super windy. Dinner was to be at Mustard Seed near the water (River ness) and back into town we went for 6:30pm. Can I just say how impressed I am with the food up in Inverness. Had this seabass stuffed with goat cheese and amazing scampi tomato sauce. Sounds weird but tasted great. Everyones dinner plate looked great, especially M with the rack of lamb. Mmmmm. Even better was dessert Banoffe Pie with CREAM!!!! Bahahhaha, ya’ll think I’m super healthy… NO WAY man, this is holidays which means such rich and fatty foods!!!!!!!!
After Dinner, CD, V and PC went back home changed and went for a walk after the amazing meal. Rested and called it an eventfully night.

this in not actually the castle but the church that we were staying close to.. I just like he lighting!
Thursday, May 13, 2010.
Morning breakfast, Internet checking, and necessary Tesco run before heading into the tube.
First stop, Monmouth Coffee!!!! YES! I love it here! Convent Garden location, as it was close to the National Gallery. Walked through to the National Gallery. V definitely signed up to go on the PC tour of London. Afterwards we walked through leichester sq and saw a Bollywood movie shoot. Passed Chinatown and into Soho for another coffee break at Whorebux. People watching, Toronto Loving, City bashing talks ensued. Then we wanted to go to Vegan routes… but it was closed/ Next location Mildred’s for some vegan burgers!!! Yummo! Sweet potato, Beet, carrot burgers with this yummy horseradish mayo. SO GOOD. I’m going back next time.
PC tour basically consists of walking, eating and shopping.
That means, walking through Soho to go to Oxford STREET! This was what I was waiting for my entire trip!!!!! UNIQLO!!!! TOPSHOP!!!! PRIMARK!!!!! 3 hours later, we stopped off at hyde park (speakers corner), and just rested. Decision… harrord’s or resting.
Pizza Express for dinner then made our way up to the guest house. For some reason I thought we were going to Victoria Stn…. Hahahah good thing I double checked again, as we were to get to Euston. I’m glad I got to go over to Wills the next before because I was more familiar with the weird way to get over there. We were early for the sleeper train up to Inverness, but that was fine for us. Better early than miss our 11hr train ride in our SLEEPER car!!!! Wooo wooo!~
Caught up on being anti-social with internet at Pret a Manger (owned my McD…. Gha!)

Into the sleeper train and onwards to SCOTLAND!!!! The sleeper cars have very narrow hallways, super narrow that there is only 1 way traffic. Introduced ourselves to this Aussie who was going to Cambria for a 700 mile bike race. SO COOL. I would want to try and ride over England , but for another time. The sleeper cars are great for PC sized ppl, but wasn’t BIG enough for V (had to sleep fetal stylz). Ridiculous fun ensued on the train, as always and I had a great night rest as we headed into Inverness for 8am.

(BEST PART about blogspot -- it orients the photos for you!)

Wednesday , May 12, 2010
With only 4 hours sleep, got up and showered to get ready for the flight into London city airport. The roads were clear, the flight was smooth and I arrived into the City airport that was connected by the DLR. Was able to ride the DLR and get into London in all of 10min. I will definitely fly into LCY if I have a chance in the future, I will take that option. From airport to Guesthouse was under  1 hour. Even during peak hours the tube was not that bad. Living on the other side of Camden in West Hampstead. A kitchy/yuppie location. More upscale than in Camden proper, with restaurants that catered towards that crowd.  Finally met up with LMV. They didn’t have the smoothest first day in London, but was able to explore West Hampstead.
Breakfast was in order! Then headed downtown to go on the touristy bus tour. Although I had already seen all of the London that I wanted (minus Wicked and Tower of London), it was still very fun to explore London with LMV. They were so cute! Having that double decker bus tour gives you an informative view from the tour guides that add their stories of the historical view. As windy as NL was, London was even more windy… maybe it would help to NOT sit on the top deck.
During the bus tour we got off at the TOWER of LONDON and caught the last guided tour of the day! Led by a Beefeater, who had to have served xx years in the Armed forces.
He was great! Went into the chapel, and learned about the horror and executions of the historic site. Saw the Crown jewels in person! Definitely worth the entrance fee.
Grabbed lunch at a pub, and made our way over to Trafalagar Sq.
Went back and called it a day, had dinner at NANDOS… bahahha. Talk about self-serve!

Then I got on the tube around 11pm and ventured around Regent’s Park and into Camden. Dropped off something for my 2nd cousin and got back to the guesthouse.


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