Took the early bus from Edinburgh to Glasgow and onwards to a airport express bus to the Airport.
Decided to just F*&@ it and go to the airport as I didn't have anything to lose if there was a delay OR cancellations due to the Ash.
Arrived REALLY early as I didn't want a reoccurance to happen a la start of the trip.
Was Overweight (I really don't like air Transit) and I will be sending them a letter shortly.
Paid and was on my way to 5 hours in the airport.
That consisted of updating the blog (from WORD) and sitting at Starbucks and taking in the hustle.
Then I moved over to the correct gate and sat there eating sandwich, almonds and listening to the 6 albums I meekly have on my computer.
(SIDE NOTe: I cleared my computer of everything prior to departure as it was on my TO DO list for 2 years)
Flight was delayed some more, but finally took off.
Again I attracted the eldery world-travelling couple (this time from Ottawa) so I chatted them up and it gave me a better feeling about life and the direction I'm taking. REFRESHING to hear it from others! GO LIFE!
Arrived into Canada after 23 days of travel, countless sights and MANY new tastes that I've acquired (Haggis), great espresso based drinks, english accents, and a love for history.
TORONTO -- can you be a little bit older!?
Kidding. I love you!
Here's a final photo that I thought was the best from the trip!
NEXT ADVENUTURE: ???? keep it locked
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